The way to make an environment easy for habitation is essential the health of our environment and the body. This is why Novacool Blockchain dais is extraordinarily welcomed. It is a place of creative venturing when cooling process is discussed. It is the world first growing process is the rewarding energy that makes inventions and creative process worthy of its gain. It is the gain itself that makes the innovation process sweet and life enjoyable. This is to harness the existence of making our world more co-habitable and also making sure we live in a more harmonic place as technology users. This is relative or relational to the use of Personal Computers as it is called. The Novacool is the best immersion PC (Personal Computer) cooling system in the PC innovation sequence. It hopes to make the components and functional systems of a PC function at maximum output and excellence. it reduces the cases of overcharging and overheating issues or challenges associated with our Personal Computers (PC). The Novacool is the change in making sure our Personal Computers are safe and very reliable when longevity is in perspective. It is the sole essence of creative thinking put into work with a financial solution market created, for the Information Technology world at large. This technology will create an enviable market and structure for the Information Communication technology industry at large. its like the acts of creative intuition in Microsoft, Apple, sony etc. with the small start ups approach. It is extraordinary and inventive for the Novacool team idealistic thinking in this line; as cooling of ( PC) Personal Computers has become a major challenge and fundamentally an issue in the computing industry. The Novacool cooling system is created to make the Personal Computers last longer and function faster in an unbelievable and unbeatable speed with processors, RAMs and motherboards. This is the act of reliance and essentially the act of reducing financial losses generally. It is more important for saving the life span of our Personal Computers and helping the user of PCs to save cost. This is one of the core values and component of the Novacool design input for its system functions and implementation on Personal Computers. It is the driving factor in affordable pricing with creating such a functional system. In addition, the Novacool is built from the best state of tech engineering for maximum reliable and reliance on products delivery with warranty provisions for consumer user. Concurrently, the Novacool system is designed also with the futuristic considerations of high efficiency for all products Novacool system will be attached to; with established functionality. it is Novacool teams prospective consideration for making the design that efficient with ultimate efficiency. It also implies the usefulness, protectiveness and importance the device system design input reaches the ultimate goal of immersion cooling on appliances. Thus, in furtherance, the Novacool is essential in its quest and design with a high functional state of reliability for handling all issues of low cooling devices on Personal Computers (PC). Furthermore, the issue of too much dusty nature involving cooling of devices and also the complexity of complicated installation and upgrading is considered .This is dealt with in the Novacool framework and design model. its created and frameworked to meet the needs associated with cooling of Personal Computers and other home appliances. it is the solution presence, complemented with use of the decentralized block marketplace. The Novacool token makes the device accessibility and usefulness meet the clients real time needs. The token or coinage value in addition is rated as 1ETH equals 1.2ICS for first presale and 1ETH equals 0.9ICs at a supply of 485,000 ICS. The presale ended on the 12th October 2017,with ICO starting in earnest. It is prospected to all users and clients to purchase as much ICS token as its financial rewards remains boundless.



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