TRADOVE World's first B2B coin..!!

The current TraDove platform connects business partners with its business social network.The next generation platform will utilize blockchain and AI driven social networking technologies to further shorten the corporate buyer & seller discovery cycle,enhance B2B transparency,expand user trust,and allow for company-to company precision advertising.Additionally,BBCoin will provide a better payment instrument for international trade.Just as Facebook connects friends and LinkedIn connects professionals.
Unlike a consumer social network such as Facebook or a professional network such as LinkedIn,TraDove Business Social Network puts substantially more emphasis on traffic quality than on traffic quantity.We do not seek nor do we need hundreds of millions of users.
We only need tens of millions of users.A business user’s value is much higher than a professional user, which is in turn higher than that of a consumer user.Our emphasis on traffic quality and not just quantity keeps our operational costs low and increases both business users’ value and our profit margins.

TraDove has developed a proprietary process to authenticate its users in its general network.It is much harder to fake a profile.It is a social network tailored for corporate buying and selling people.It seamlessly connects business people,products/services and companies together to share knowledge,experience and opportunity in a much more relevant way. Visit to website ( )

Significant changes in the commercial world have occurred in the past twenty years. The explosive growth of the Internet accompanied by the creation of social networks has made information ubiquitous.Smart phones and mobile devices put the world in our palms.Yet B2B lags behind.In this space, information is Balkanized.Potential business partners in the same town may not be aware of one another.Transparency is lacking.Even after identifying a potential business partner,that potential partner’s business quality is often difficult to appraise.In the consumer space,peer opinions are easily available using Yelp or Google Review.This is not the case in the B2B space,where targeted marketing is much more difficult.
The TraDove Business Social Network was born to address these problems :
How do you find business partners quickly and credibly?,How do you assure the quality of potential business partners and the quality of products/services you plan to purchase?,How do you market your B2B products/services to hidden demands in a targeted way?,How do you assure that you will be paid for what you deliver or get what you paid for?
( TraDove Value Proposition )
A business social network connects corporate buyers,sellers and others to interconnected products/services and companies in a fashion that:
  1. Shortens the search cycle and identifies potential business partners in a credible way
  2. Makes B2B more transparent and shortens due diligence time and effort (w/ references,endorsements, etc.)
  3. Does precision-based company-to-company advertising over the Internet
  4. Enhances trust in B2B dealings and payments
Our ultimate vision is to build a global TRUSTWORTHY B2B 2.0 ecosystem connecting business people,products/services and companies and to make this ecosystem a go-to place for B2B precision advertising similar to Google and Facebook consumer space advertising.Driving Up Corporate Demand and Usage for BBCoins in B2B Sales, Advertising and Payment Tradove’s BBCoin offering, one of the first B2B-related coin offerings in the market,establishes corporate demand for blockchain tokens.To accelerate demand for BBCoins and an increase in their value,we will take four tactical steps.
First Phase PreSale Results: USD 8,000,000
2nd Phase Presale Progress: USD 2,000,000+
Listing price : 0.16 USD.
Presale price : 0.12 USD.
Min order : 2000 BBCoins or 240 USD.
We accept : Fiat, BTC, or ETH.
How to Buy!
Register at
Fill KYC info and provide supporting documents.
Watch for approval email. Also check your spam box. Login again if not received in 24 hours.
Place order and upload payment proof.
Watch email for TraDove confirmation
Bonus schedule!
After January 10th and before and on January 20th: 20% bonus
After January 20th and before and on January 31st: 10% bonus
Large amount bonus :
Contribution above and equal to: USD48,000: 30% bonus.
( Total Suply : 1,000,000,000 BBCoins )
50% or 500,000,000 released for the token offering
5% or 50,000,000 used over the next 3-5 years,
20% or 200,000,000 reserved for marketing,user acquisition and other needs.
15% or 150,000,000 reserved for future company usage
10% or 100,000,000 reserved mostly for the team and some for 
stakeholders.There is also a 6-month lock-up period after the ICO.

Mytherwallet: 0xf02df1350820ecc4C58BF067739900A50722D5Ca

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