🚚 WORLD's FIRST STEEMtruck! Project powered by STEEM!

I want to open the world's first STEEMtruck to promote our currency and good food! 
If you want to know more about it watch the video!

Dtube version!

I found a way to combine my two passions - food and cryptocurrencies!STEEMtruck is a project for my dreams and I would like to make it come true with your help. It will be a combination of food truck and information point. You will be able to eat here some delicious food and learn what is STEEM and how its ecosystem works. STEEMtruck will look like this: 

I don't know yet what kind of food will make STEEMtruck famous, because I'm currently traveling and collecting the best recipes from all over the world. I hope that soon you will meet him promoting STEEM at many meetups in Europe and beyond! In STEEMtruck you will have the opportunity to pay with cryptos and anyone, who has an active Steemit account, will get from me a special bonus!

To each order will be included a folder with information about STEEM and the platforms that work on it. To make sure that it doesn't end up in the bin after a visit in STEEMtruck, it will contain promo vouchers.

Of course, for now these are pre-visualizations and for preparing the projects I would like to thank @see-it-feel-it.

I'm very curious what you think about this idea? Would you like to use cryptos to pay in a place like that? What do you like to order in pubs on wheels? 
I look forward to your comments! 

And now you can support this project on Fundition.io! 
Just click on the link below!

Fundition + STEEMtruck 


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